

This is one of my all time favorite invitations. These pictures are of the mock up. They were custom built hardbound covers with the invitation mounted inside, and a clear slip that holds the reply and travel info. They have a super cute custom bunny and woodlands theme and are tied up securely with a real twig from the backyard then tucked safely into a custom wrapped chocolate boxed stuffed with floral nesting material. No, the design did not stop there (but I have no pictures) we did custom stamps and guest addressed mailing labels for the outsides of the boxes. I wish every job could be so involved. This was a LOT of handwork and production. We were covered in PVA for at least 2 weeks. And I can't even tell you how much of that nesting material worked it's way all around the studio and into our homes! But, it was a blast, and a beautiful invitation.

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